Thursday, March 1, 2007

chez monsieur C

chez monsieur C
Originally uploaded by gverster_artwork.

chez monsieur C [2007] oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm

the portal gates were opened to reveal a grand manoir basking in the morning sun... monsieur C walks slowly up the lane from his village to curious and admiring strangers parked in front of his house... as he kindly engages in conversation with them, the shutters are thrown open on each floor, and from one window, bedlinens hang out to air...

this is cognac country and across the lane from his house, monsieur C's vineyards stretch down the slopes as far as the eye can see... this is "land that has bore centuries of wine to refine the palate of time, to anoint those
who are born, and those who learn to fly, those who never leave the ground, but still look up and search the sky."*

*verse from "monsieur congé's dovecote" by g.verster, 2004

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