from sexy summer heat in april and profuse may flowers...
to the resigned acceptance of a new world president for a dated republic...
to the exuberance of riding my bike through the streets of paris, some hectic, some incredibly tranquil...
to savoring that one perfect tarte au citron at the jardin du luxembourg...
to watching "molière" on a rainy sunday afternoon in the quartier latin...
to a may day déjeuner sur l'herbe amongst the muguets in the shady woodlands by l'abbaye de chaalis...
to falling in love with the one berthe morisot painting at the d'orsay...
to taking all the time in the world choosing sennelier couleurs à l'huile extra-fine at the bhv...
to a fête des mères pilgrimage to the magnificent goyas at the louvre...
to a gentle coup de foudre during a late lunch on the avenue kleber...
to evening vespers with the young nuns (and monks) at saint-gervais-saint-protais...
to a midnight romp through the rose and lilac-scented jardin de musée rodin on "le nuit des musées"...
to being fully blown away by the uber-sultry siren ute lemper at the salle pleyel; by the "murs végétal" [vertical gardens] of patrick blanc; by the young talents at the graduate show of l'ecole des beaux-arts; by the eccentric and eclectic castelbajac collection at the musée de la mode; in the frenzied ateliers of the hyper-graffiti-ed frigo art hive; by the absolute raw power of primitive artifacts in the jean nouvel-designed musée de prémiere arts on the quai branly; by the unexpected grunting trophy head of an albino sanglier at the sublimely odd musée de la chasse...
to the inspired and lively frenchmen who make me laugh and laugh so late into many other evenings...
and as always, lovely paris gets under my skin...the divine itch only being slightly relieved for now...